Welcoming Autumn!

While this summer season was packed with activity and adventure, I’m so pleased to be settling into routine and my couch. Sweater weather and football season are at our doorstep while we get to watch the Packers and Badgers (and Brewers, too) battle for their respective divisions. I love this time of year.

This issue of Tosa Connection presents some great information and insight. I really hope you enjoy the hard work and effort that went into this magazine. From Rick Romano’s piece on the escalating Opioid issues facing almost every community to the beautiful tribute from his family to Tim Lyons after his passing. We share some new ways to look at and stay up on getting back to school and managing our energy not just our clocks and schedules. Please check out the eye candy over in the Tosa Life photo contest and then a few fancy ways to put some tasty burgers together from our friends at Red Dot, Jackson’s and Leff’s in our second edition of the Gourmet Gauntlet.

We have developed some really solid regular features in TC thus far but your ideas and insights for story ideas are always considered and appreciated. Please send your thoughts and ideas AND PHOTOS to info@tosaconnection.com or leave a message at 414-465-TOSA.

Stay connected, my friends.

Peter Haise